St. Patrick’s Day as we know it is a tradition that began here in the States.. It was started by people who migrated from Ireland. One of the earliest St. Patrick’s Day Parades that we have a record of was in New York City in 1763. That was only four years after Guiness opened their original brewery.
Guiness is the brewery that conquered the world. Ireland’s most famous export as has had a stateside brewery in Baltimore since 2018. Over 10 million pints of their iconic Irish Dry Stout are sold daily in 150 countries. With everyone drinking more at home these days, a 4.2% full bodied stout seems to have more appeal than ever before over more contemporary options. But that’s always been the charm of Guinness, its never been out of style.
The brand has somehow remained eternally cool on a global scale. There are over 20 different styles of the stout brewed world wide. One of my all time favorites is the Guinness Extra Stout, which is mainly enjoyed in Africa and Asia. It’s actually difficult to find bottles of it in Ireland. It’s a well-balanced 7.5% double export stout with some nice caramel flavors with extra roasted barley. Even if you hold it up to a strong light its jet black with no clarity, almost looks like molasses.

Before producing the stout that would make them the top brewery in the world by volume (until 1929), Guinness’ flagship was actually a Red Ale. It wasn’t until Arthur’s post collegiate trips to London that he was inspired to create an Irish version of the Porter. Eighteenth century England is where Arthur fell in love with this style, a beer named for the dock workers who consumed it after their shift.
No other beer in the world has the rich history of mentions going back 180 years like this crew. The most famous recorded instance of Guinness and food was November 21st, 1837..British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraerli wrote to his wife that he can now die happy having found the perfect pairing of Guinness + Oysters. It was the best day of his whole, entire life!!!! The roasted bitterness, the hop bite, the chocolate and toffee notes, all it was missing is that briny saltiness from the seafood.
Since this St. Patrick’s Day won’t be the same the Guiness Open Gate Brewery in Baltimore has been baking Guinesss Brewers Bread for donation to local food banks.
Guinness created the Stout category with their Guinness Extra Stout (a stronger/ stouter porter) back in 1759. But what you know as Guinness wasn’t created until 1959 for their 200th anniversary. Guinness didn’t produce bottles until the 1960s. Before then it was either a cask beer or bottled by your local bartender at the pub.
St Patrick Day represents the gateway to Spring, and it’s a reminder to both enjoy the classics and embrace change. Not sure we would appreciate those things as much if Guiness were’t around. I for one will drink to that.

–Other Notes
-Guinness is raising #AToastTo our heroes on the front lines and essential workers, pubs and bartenders, and our community of friends near and far by donating $600,000 to continued COVID-19 relief efforts.
-Fans can raise a pint with us and share what they’re toasting to this year by using #AToastTo and tagging @GuinnessUS. Guinness will donate an additional $1 (up to $100,000) to participating organizations for every qualifying post through March 21.
-The third collection from Guinness x Carhartt is now available for St. Patrick’s Day at Carhartt.com, in Carhartt retail stores and in select retailers across the country.
-Guiness Antwerp Foreign Extra Stout at 7.5% is the base beer for their first ever whiskey barrel aged stout, a collaboration with Bulleit Distillery.