Category: Around Town
Beer Reviews
Terminator X release party @ City Provisions
Chicago Beer Geeks Gone Wild!.. Wild Onion Brewing, That Is…

You know that old adage “if I won the lottery I would [fill-in-the-blank-with-your-wildest-hopes-and-dreams]?” Well, that happened to the Kainz family in May 2000 when Joe Kainz, the patriarch, won approximately $90 million. But, contrary to popular belief, they did not say, “Hey, let’s open a brewery!” The Wild Onion Brewing …
Chicago Beer Society’s Umpteenth Annual Picnic
5Vulture Relaunch @ The Bad Apple

If you dont know about 5 Rabbit Cerveceria they are a true Chicago original. The country’s 1st ever Latin microbrewery, locally produced they proudly incorporate flavors into their beers that make for a very unique experience. For example their soon to be released, tap only Oktoberfest offering – Vida y …