The Rockit & Finch TasteIT Insider Dinner

  What’s not to love about Rockit Bar and Grill in River North. NFL Sundays event series in the lounge upstairs? Check! Rockit Burger voted by Good Morning America as Best in the Nation? Double Check! A stylish, modern design featuring sculptures by local artists? Indeed!!  Many would describe Rockit …

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The 2nd Annual Great Punk’n Party

    This past Monday, Fountainhead hosted its 2nd Annual Great Punk’n Party. The night was a blend of both punk and pumpkin. The menu featured a wide assortment of pumpkin beers in addition to pumpkin dishes, such as pumpkin coconut chili bisque and braised lamb with roasted pumpkin. Audio/visual entertainment …

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Nkosi White | 3700 W McLean | Chicago | 312-550-6168 |   About Me: Ambassador of Chicago Craft Beer Culture, Beverage Consultant, Event Coordinator and Social Media Manager. Roles and Experiences listed below. Please select one of the links in bold for more information.       Chicago Beer …

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Doing Good with Good Beer: The 6th Annual Festiv-Ale

Beer festivals have been popping up in the Chicagoland area like wild flowers as the interest in craft beer has grown. Typically these are enjoyable affairs where beer brewers and imbibers come together to partake in their favorite fermented beverage. But what if there was a dual purpose? Can you …

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